Chapter 2: The Fiery Course

After joining the Nodus, Kirimi, an Ecleray from Oloma, registered for the Vanguard Challenge. This event is hosted by Namarus, an extravagant and eccentric Midasi. It consists of a series of elimination trials that allow participants to prove their worth, hoping to get their place in the VYDER.

The crowd was going wild as the course for the first trial was revealed.

Or rather the courses.

Several copies of the same one were lined up.

The Vanguard Challenge was finally about to begin.

If in the crowd the enthusiasm had gone up a notch, in the arena it was another story.

The euphoria of the presentation had given way to concentration and, for some, anxiety.

Namarus’s voice echoed through the arena:

"This first trial is simple. At the end of this course, each of you has an emblem. Your goal is to set that emblem on fire.

You must light a torch at the course's beginning"

Be careful if your torch goes out during the course! You will have to come back to the start to light it again. Oh yes! I forgot. You have 10 minutes to light your emblem, or you will be eliminated. Good luck to all!"

No sooner had Namarus finished his sentence than an energy cannon shot was fired.

The countdown suddenly began! All the participants were surprised.

But, after a few seconds of incomprehension, they rushed to their torches.

A lighter was provided to set fire to them. It was a test of speed but also of carefulness.

To extinguish your torch could be a disaster.

Kirimi arrived near hers and took the lighter. It consisted of a button that started a blue and powerful flame.

At least, for her opponents.

Because she had to press again and again, no fire came out.

A wave of panic blew in her as the other participants were already starting out on the course.

She gave up to throw herself at the lighter of one of her opponents, already far away.

This one worked.

The Ecleray hurriedly lit her torch and started running to catch up.

In her haste, she kept the lighter.

She noticed it after a few meters, but to turn back would have cost her too much time.

She put it back in her pocket.

8 minutes.

Already 2 minutes lost as she started the course. Namarus’s voice could be heard throughout the compound.

"Ah, it doesn't look good for the Oloma participant. She's going to need your encouragement!"

As if to answer him, the stadium began to shout even louder.

Kirimi reached the first obstacle.

Going over hurdles that went up and down. Like most of the participants, she made it without too much difficulty.

But she was still in last place, and time was running out.

7 minutes.

She reached the second obstacle.

She had to get to a platform by jumping on a balance beam.

Falling down meant starting over.

Some Midasis didn't make it and were climbing a ladder to try again.

She understood the difficulty of the test as soon as she put her foot on the first balance.

The slightest movement made it tip over.

It was necessary to consider its movements and those of the others, while keeping her torch in hand.

Kirimi tried to coordinate the Midasis to balance the pendulum.

"Ah... it looks like some of them have figured out that it's better to work as a team on this obstacle," exclaimed Namarus.

She managed to reach the platform.

She smiled.

This event reminded her of her childhood when she jumped from tree to tree.

5 minutes.

They had to run between each obstacle.

But not too fast to avoid extinguishing their flame.

The stadium and Namarus were already cheering the first arrivals. On her side, Kirimi crossed Midasis tears.

They were all soaked.

She understood when she arrived at the 3rd test.

They had to swim across a pool of water where machines were feeding artificial waves.

Eclerays float very well by nature, but they are not used to swimming. The Oloma native saw the other ones struggling and trying to save their flame.

4 minutes.

She decided to try another approach. She entered the water and laid on her back, arms towards the sky and torch in the air.

She used her leg to propel herself.

Gradually, under the effect of the waves, she got closer to the other shore.

It was a method that took more time but saved her from efforts and allowed her to keep her torch safe.

She continued to run toward the next obstacle.

When she arrived, no one seemed to dare to cross it.

It was a long corridor that was harmless at first glance. But on each wall, fans were randomly switched on.

The other Ecleray was there.

He was ranting.

"Athor," thought Kirimi, remembering Namaru’s presentation.

A Midasi attempted the crossing. He advanced with his back to the blowing wall to protect his torch.

But he was surprised by a sudden change, and his flame disappeared as well as his hope.

2 minutes.

Athor tried using the same technique.

He was doing well and his reflexes allowed him to turn around quickly.

He was managing to dodge the fans blows.

After analyzing the situation, Kirimi approached a Midasi female to explain her plan.

Athor was halfway through when the Ecleray-Midasi duo entered the corridor.

They were standing face to face, bent over.

Each had their back to a wall. They were protecting each other and moving quickly.

1 minute 30 seconds.

Athor was close to the end. He saw the technique used by his pursuers and lost his focus.

The fan in front of him lit up, and his torch went out. He was furious.

He had lost in the first round. There was no way he could do the whole course again. He stood there.

1 minute.

The duo passed him and arrived in front of the emblems.

They smiled at each other and rushed to their one.

Time was running out. Everything was happening in slow motion for the Ecleray.

Hers was the closest.

40 seconds.

It was there. Kirimi had to reach for her torch, and she would pass the first test.

Relief washed over her when she saw her emblem flickered.

But Namarus caught her attention

"Wait, what's going on!"

She turned back just to see Athor rushing in the back of her ally.

β€œAthor is attacking another participant," commented Namarus

He's stealing her torch and running to light his own emblem!"

The entire stadium began to boo the young Ecleray.

"Now that's very clever of Athor!"

"The rule calls for participants to light their emblem, not that they have to do it with their torch.

"That's good thinking on his part!

β€œHe’ll definitely do anything to become a Vanguard.”

Kirimi rushed to her short-lived partner's aid, asking her to point out her emblem.

Stunned, she managed to raise her hand, and Kirimi dashed in the direction given.

She lit the Midasi’s emblem with her own torch, allowing her to pass the first test.

Athor glared at her.

She came to meet him.

"You got something to add?" she said.

"That's not by helping people that you'll be the last one standing," he coldly answered.

"I'd rather lose than win the way you do.

If I win without helping others as much as I can, it's not a victory.

I could even help you."

"You're pathetic."

"We’ll see"

Kirimi knew that she would have a hard time keeping this commitment.

And the next test would prove her right…

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