πŸ“™What is the Lore Book

The lore book is the encyclopedia of the VYDER universe.

It exists for only one reason:


You, a member of the community.

You, Citizen of the Nodus or Original Vanguard.

Because from the start, our goal has been to make VYDER the most community-driven brand.

To do so, we need to give you the right tools and framework to build with us.

A framework? What for?

Because without a framework, we could end up with PokΓ©mon battling laser-eyed Kaijus with a Travis Scott concert in the background.

And that sounds fun! But that's not what we're going for.

The idea is to move forward together, but in the same direction.

To create something unique. Something all of us would be proud of.

That's why the lore book exists.

To share the basics and the rules of this universe.

With these rules, you can create pieces of art that will fit into this universe.

Whether it is stories, illustrations, music, etc.

This encyclopedia is bound to evolve.

And, one day, one of your contribution could be in there.

We're here to outplay the game.

Last updated